Friday, January 28, 2011

10 Ways to know you are a reactive parent

Post from:

I think that our culture is moving so fast that we have become a generation of reactive parents instead of proactive. So how do you know if you are being more reactive than proactive? Here are ten ways that will give you a pretty good indication if you lean more towards reactive parenting than proactive.
Reactive Parents
  1. Have not had an intentional conversation in the last month about how they are doing with preparing their son/daughter to launch into their next season of life.
  2. Do not have a list of life ready skills they want their kids to know before they leave for college.
  3. Have given the duty of discipling their children to  a church, school, or other organization.
  4. Say no without giving consideration to the question asked.
  5. Put their kids in the proverbial “protective bubble” when they do not fully understand the issues or struggles ahead.
  6. Have not read anything about current issues with kids in the last six months.
  7. Do not have a clear vision of godly manhood or womanhood and no plans to cast that vision anytime soon.
  8. Do not have scheduled, uninterrupted time with each child doing something that they love to do.
  9. Do not take opportunities to teach their children about the message that culture is sending them and how that differs from true greatness.
  10. Are more concerned with behavior modification than what’s going in their child’s heart.
Which way are you leaning? May we all take time to be proactive and cast vision for our kids on what it means to be a godly man and godly woman in our culture today.


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