This week we are going to look our role as priest, no robe required. The priests of the Old Testament had two major responsibilities: leading worship and interceding for the people.
In the modern church we immediately hear “leading worship” and we think of a song leader. That certainly is part of it. How did the priests lead worship? Lets take a look at a few examples: Noah (Gen. 8:20), Abraham (12:7; 13:4), Isaac (26:25), Jacob (31:54), and Job (Job 1:5). These men led their family in worship by building an altar and offering a sacrifice. The reason for sacrifice varied. Some were offered in thanksgiving, some for first fruits, and some were for to ask forgiveness of sins against God law.
Easton’s Bible Dictionary describes it as “homage rendered to God”. Now we can’t offer sacrifices in the same manner that they did but we can still offer them with same spirit. In what ways can we offer homage? Music? Have you ever paid attention to the words of worship songs? Several of them are love songs to God. Have you ever lead your family in worship music? As much as I love music, I don’t think I’ve ever done that. How about prayer? When you’ve benefited from God’s grace have you led your family in thankful worship? God wants to hear from us. I used to pray the same ”blessing” at every meal. Ready, here it is “God is great, God is good, now we thank you for this food, amen.” Now how’s that first deep meaningful prayer? We get stuck in a rut of speaking christianese to impress who? God? I’ve since learned that we need to be real and teach our kids to be real in front of God. I believe we need speak to God and as would talk to our closest friend. It’s also incredibly important that we do this in front of our kids and others that look up to us. They need to see that this is a real relationship. For some reason we breakout in to old English and we God seem so distant. We need to get rid of the “thy’s” and “thou’s” out of our prayers. Our praise and worship has to be real, not rehearsed, not to impress other, just genuine.
As priests we have another responsibility, that of intercessor for our families. An intercessor is a go between, someone that petitions a higher power on behalf of a lesser power. Jesus is our intercessor, 1 Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who agave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time. John 17 gives us an example of what an intercessor should do. In this chapter Jesus make six different requests or petitions to God. My Bible titles this the High Priestly Prayer.
1. Vs. 1, that He(Jesus) would glorify God. Are we praying that we and our family and friends are glorifying God?
2. Vs. 3, that others/desciples would know God. In Phil 1:9, Paul prays that the Philipians would grow in knowledge. We need to be praying for our families spiritual knowledge. How to they learn? It’s our responsibility to provide them with ways to grow. Family devotions, taking them to church, and talking about the things of God are all ways for them to learn.
3. Vs. 11, that they would be keep them by his power. The NIV uses the word protect for keep. We need to not only pray for their physical safety, but also for their spiritual. If Satan can’t get us, he will surly go for our kids.
4. Vs. 17, sanctify them in truth. We need to be praying for purity for our families and us. Guys you know as well as I do how easy it would be take just click on that link. What can our kids access?
5. Vs. 23, unity. Unity in church as well as at home. Do your kids ever fight? How about you and your wife.
6. Vs. 24, continual relationship. I forget what the statistic was exactly but I households where the father takes the family to church, I think it was close to 70% stayed in church compared to 20% were the father didn’t go.
We all pray for safety and grades but are we praying for the deeper things? Single guys you aren’t off the hook. You can be praying for all of these things for you families and friends. Let’s make it a point to get out of the rut and get into some deep conversations with God and brings our loved ones needs with us.
~Walter E. Homan
Man Up Men! Live Christlike!
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