| A Daily Study of God's Word for Christian Sportsmen | February 4, 2011 |
 |  Today's Photograph . . . . Let's Hang Our Camo In The Closet And Only Use It When We're In The Wild (MQ) Bible Study Verse
Matthew 26:73-74
After a little while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, "Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away." Then he began to call down curses on himself and he swore to them, "I don't know the man!" (NIV) Thoughts
I couldn't have been any closer. The big eight-point buck was less than two feet away! As he stepped slightly behind me, he caught my scent and was gone, leaving only my heart pounding in my chest.
What a rush! I had been squirrel hunting in Northeast Arkansas when the encounter happened. I was sitting on the ground just on the edge of a power line right-of- way.
Thanks to my excellent camouflage, the buck didn't see me as he patrolled the highline. The wind was perfect and he came right up to me. Had it not been for good wind direction and my good camouflage clothing, this encounter would have never happened.
(Brian H)
Action Point
Man! There is nothing like a good set of camouflage hunting clothes. It's helpful, it's functional, and it's even been made decorative in today's culture. Let's face it, camo is in!
However, there's a type of camouflage that's not good at all. The camouflage that Christians put on in order to blend in. We're so afraid of being recognized and ridiculed that we're like Peter around the fire. "Hey, I don't know Him!" We've become masters of blending in to the point that it actually surprises people when they find out that we are Christians. How sad a testimony to our Savior this is.
OK, sportsmen around the world, let's hang our camouflage in the closet and only use it when we're in the wild. When we're out in the world, let's make it our purpose to NOT blend in. Let's make it our purpose to stand out like a light on a hill - a lighthouse that prevents our world from totally crashing and burning on the rocks of sin and eternal punishment.
There are encounters for God that will never happen as long as we're blending in so well that the world thinks we're one of them. God bless you, friend, as you strive to stand out!!!
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Sportsmen's Tip of the Day
Add a tiny drop or two of mineral oil and a light dusting of salt to your rubber tube jigs and plastic artificial baits to keep them from melting in the summer heat and sticking together. The salt adds a bit of flavor to them as well.
Man Up Men! Live Christlike!
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