Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nobody Likes a Know-It-All

The auto parts store I worked at when I was in high school had all kinds of sayings posted all over the wall behind the counter.  Looking back, one of my favorites was, “Teenagers, leave home now while you still know everything!”  Granted I didn’t think this was all that great then, but now that I have one teenager and one soon to be teenager; I think its brilliant.

One thing that I do a lot of now that I never would have done before is to ask older or more experienced people for advice and direction.  I used to (I hope I’ve stopped now) be so arrogant that I would tell people that were veterans in their field how they could do it better.  If only I would have shut my mouth more, I can just only imagine how much more I would have learned.

It seems I’m much more open to suggestions from others now but I still fight against it sometimes.  One of the people I seem to fight against is God.  So often I get so convinced that I can do things better my way.  In John 21:3 the disciples, like many of us, when things aren’t going right, we do what we’re used to.  Jesus had just been crucified and the disciples went back to their professions as fishermen.  I do the same thing, I get involved in ministry and things don’t go as planned and I want to drop it.  They fished all night and nothing.  That has to be pretty discouraging for a group up well-seasoned fishermen to be completely skunked all night.  Then in verses 5 & 6 Jesus pays the disciples a visit and asks, “how are they biting?”   It’s bad enough they haven’t caught anything now He tell them “just throw your net on the other side.”  I’m not sure I would have taken that as well as they did.  There was no, “ I no what I’m doing leave me alone”, no they just did it.  Because of their faith, their nets were bursting with fish.

Why am I so slow to listen to the One who knows-it-all?  He has given us an entire instruction book to read.  For years it just collected dust on my shelf.  Now I read it almost daily but I still don’t always follow the instruction.  Are you in the same boat as me?  Sorry for the pun.  Do you react the same way I do many times when I read or I feel God’s prompting, “No thanks God I’ll do it my way!”  I pray someday I have the attitude and faith of those fishermen had that night and just shut up and do it!


Man Up Men! Live Christlike!
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Monday, April 18, 2011

Passive Husbands are Killing Their Wives

I hope you were able to see Mark Shaw at either Blessed Hope Community Church or Gateway Christian Church in the beginning of April.  Mark i spart of a Christian counceling group in Alabama called Truth in Love Ministries.  To be honest it wasn't what I was expecting but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I also learned a lot.  Thanks Mark!

I was reading through his blog and found this great article that really hit home with me.  I was a passive husband/father for years until I finally realized what I was doing to me family.  Here's Mark's article:

The epidemic I see most often in biblical marriage counseling cases I am privileged to serve in are passive husbands and assertive wives. The two go hand in hand, unfortunatlely, and I blame the husband for much of this problem (though wives are not totally without some blame).
Most Christian men I counsel in marriage counseling are...(read the rest)


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Monday, April 11, 2011

Enjoy Life with Your Wife

Encouragement proof text of the day….
Ecclesiastes 9:9
Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun.

 The verse starts off amazingly sweet, doesn’t it?

(read the rest)

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Balancing the Budget

If you’ve seen the news in the last few weeks, the United States government is about to shut down.  We are just days away from the budget deadline and if it passes before a new budget is voted on and passed, the government will be out of money.  Now the President and the Republican leadership in the House are going back and forth trying to prove who has the better plan and blaming the other for this crisis.  Politics aside, everyone knows that in order to balance any budget you can’t spend more than you take in.  Our government has had this backwards for years so don’t expect too much from the next vote.

Like I said, to balance a budget you need at least an equal amount of deposits to balance your withdraws.  The other night I heard a metaphor for budgets and marriage.  It is called Emotional Bank Account.  I know, I know anything that starts off with the word EMOTIONAL you want to run from.  So do I, normally, but this really makes a lot of sense.  A bank account has deposits and withdraws.  What if you withdraw more than you’ve deposited?  You have a deficit!  For years we’ve almost joked about our national dept, but someday someone is going to have to pay up.  You can’t run a deficit forever.

So how this concept works is really pretty simple.  Deposits build up your wife and withdraws tear her down.  There is one caveat to this.  Normally when you have a bank account the deposits will benefit you by means of interest or just more money.  In this case you can’t think that way.  In this account you can only be concerned with how your deposits will benefit your wife. 

What sides of the ledger to the following situations fall?
·   You come home from work and scream from the front door, “Why isn’t dinner on the table I’m starving?”
Deposit or Withdraw

·   You come home from work and notice that dinner isn’t ready.  You walk up to your wife kiss her on the neck and ask, “How can I help?”
Deposit or Withdraw

By no means am I a rocket scientists but I think I can figure these out.  In my 21+ years married and starting to get this stuff, but in all honesty it normally takes me picking the wrong way first.  After the cold draft starts I get to thinking, it would have probably gone better had I handled that differently.  One thing that I am constantly reminded of is women are wired way different then men.  What most guys and me would think is almost always the direct opposite of the way most women think. 

1 Peter 3:7 You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.  Understanding way?  This makes me think that women were as confusing to men in New Testament times as they are to us now.  So how do we “live in an understanding way?”  I hate this part, we have to study them.  Your going to hate this one too, ask them what they mean when they start using that foreign language womanese. 

Between some of the good messages I’ve heard lately and the book I’m currently reading, For Men Only! I’m starting to learn how to make a few deposits.  Here are a few ways I’m learning to make deposits with my wife; maybe your wife would like them too.
·   Plan a date night.  Not just once but make it a regular part of your schedule.  I always thought this was just a nice, once in awhile thing, then I learned that she really wants this more often.
·   Find ways to give her a break from the kids.  Whether it’s encouraging her to go out with friends or a ladies Bible study but something.  When doing this, be happy.  If you act begrudgingly to her going she will count this as a withdraw.  I thought I was doing her a favor and I wanted her to know that, then I learned if she leaves while I’m acting like a 2 year old she’ll be thinking about that all night and she won’t enjoy herself.
·   Value her more than money.  We all want to be good providers, work extra hours, take on second jobs; then I learned she would rather have less stuff and have me around the house with her and the kids more.
·   Make sure she knows I love her unconditionally.  I don’t remember doing this, but my wife tells me in an argument several years ago I told her she needed to loose some weight. Then I learned how self-conscious women are about their bodies.  With all the Photoshopped magazines and billboards out there my wife needs to know that I accept her as she is.
·   Listen to her without distractions.  I always “listened” to her while she was talking, and then I learned I couldn’t do this effectively while sitting in front of the tv, computer, etc.
·   Be understanding when she’s not interested in being intimate.  Guys have needs and desires right! Then I learned that women’s motors aren’t revved up all the time like guys.  She needs to be pursued all the time not just when I’m in the mood.
By the way, “then I learned” is code for “after I messed this up I learned…”

So how is your wife’s account been lately?  Have you made more deposits than withdraws?  Is she running a deficit?  I know I still have a lot of work to do.

~Walter E. Homan


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Monday, April 4, 2011

The Importance of Fathers

I just came across this blog post by Douglas Wilson.  Why does our society beat up on fathers so much?

Most boys growing up need to be taught their strength, as when they are horsing around with their younger siblings. They are bigger, stronger, and much more influential let us say, than they think they are. But this need for teaching this lesson doesn't disappear when boys get past the horsing around stage. In their families, men are much more important, crucial and influential than they believe themselves to be.
It is the easiest thing in the world for a man to grow up, get married, have kids, and still think of himself the way he did when he was a boy. He believes... (read the rest)


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